Monday, June 6, 2011

Man Candy Monday

I used hate Monday's until I started this feature. When looking for a potential Model you never know what you are going to find. Case in point, the gorgeous osteopathic physician and former Mr. USA 2008, Dr. Ivan Rusilko.

Photo: Ivan Rusilko
If you want an appointment with this sexy specimen, you'll have to travel to South Beach, Miami.

Not a hardship at all considering what will be waiting for you at the end of your journey.

Photo: Most Beautiful Man
Ivan hails from Meade, PA and if I had known this delicious man was in my backyard (not literally) I think I would have stuck around a little longer.

Of course....I was 15 when he was born! GASP! Hey, I can dream.

Photo: Ivan

Ivan has been very successful in bodybuilding competition. In fact, his expertise in the field of fitness and competition on the pageant scene has given him the edge. So much so that you are looking at the owner, chairman and CEO of Miss Sports Football.

Photo: Male Fitness

Pretty impressive for one so young. A doctor and a business man, a model and fitness guru. What a package!

Let's get some stats on our guy.

Born: 1984
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'0

Where to find him:
Personal website
Linked in

Photo: The Agency Online
Beauty, brawn, brains and a complete success. Ivan has everything going for him and I certainly look forward to seeing more of him in the future.

If he is single, he won't be for long.

Photo: Male Fitness

Ladies, the doctor is definitely in!

Photo: Male Fitness

Please enjoy, I know I sure did!

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