Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday 56 - The Darkest Secret - Gena Showalter

This Friday 56, I picked Gena Showalter's - The Darkest Secret. This is her latest release in the Lords of the Underworld series. I have been reading this series for quite some time and I love all the various characters.

This book is quite possibly my favorite. From the opening dedication to Gena's friend, who passed away to the end page of the story. This book is not only about love and trust but it also about loss. If ever a person could show a dedication of love to a friend, I feel that Gena poured her heart out in Amun's story. I am sure her friend is looking down with all smiles!

Having lost my mom last year, I could definitely identify with this book. It touched me deeply. I hope you will read this book as well as all the Lords of the Underworld books.

The Darkest Secret - Gena Showalter

Two little girls running, laughing, playing chase, both wearing lovely pink linen robes, flaxen curls streaming behind them. Sisters. Both hearts practically bursting with love.

Secrets purred in delight.

The reaction struck Amun as odd. Such an innocent memory, and not what the demon usually favored. Why did the fiend even care about this?

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