Monday, May 23, 2011

illustration with a social conscience

The topic i chosen is Envirnomentalism, thniking these two advertisement can adapt people to protect any disease from the rubbish out of the environment from every community that is happening in Australia.

Target Audience: The target audience that I intended to advertised these advertisement is generation Y at the aged of 16 to 24 years who seem to be littening more rubbish in the environment than other generations.  

Message: The message is simply keeping the natural environment clean, safe and tidy from pollution.

The two different is designed on photoshop by playing around with tools to get the colour, contrast, texture, fonts and also use blending options to create effects for the background and texts. Also intend to use different type of brushes such as having the plants and leaf shaped and brush it around the background so it looks more of a environment theme with green dark and light colours. I have intended to take photos outside my house by putting rubbish on the grass so it doesn't look obvious.  

Took a angle shot of the rubbish outside my house.

Took a medium shot of the other small rubbish pile.

Used my right hand to pick up the rubbish that was left in the grass and placed in a bin.

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