Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I WON! The Irresistably Sweet Blog Award

What a sweet beginning to the week! The sun is shining, I am home from work early for a change and my friend and one of my favorite authors, Renee Vincent has awarded me the "Iressistably Sweet Blog award"!

I am so stoked! Wow, that word really shows my age.

The Rules of this award are easy to follow:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the Award on to 10 deserving blog buddies.
4. Contact those buddies and let them know.
Here are some things about me that you most likely NEVER wanted to know:

~ I was briefly the lead singer of a heavy metal band. (yeah you can see I am real famous right?)

~ I am a real audio and video nut. My dream library would be a mansion filled with music and videos.

~ I am afraid of the dark. Yep, I said it out loud.

~ I can't swim. I sink like a rock!

~ I love to cook (when time permits) and to eat. I will try almost anything (within reason)

~ Hands down, red is my favorite color!

~ I desperately wanted to sing for Daryl Hall and John Oates and from the ages 15 to 17, I wrote a soap opera revolved around my music hereos.

And now for the recipants of this very sweet award...

drum rolll please!:

I wish I could add more! Congratulations lovely ladies and thanks again to Renee Vincent

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