Tuesday, January 25, 2011


TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) is a conference held in California. 

A select group of 1,000 guests (ranging from political figures to scientists to artists) are invited to attend and listen to speakers. 

It's Larry Paige and Sergey Brin (Google founders), Matt Groenig (The Simpsons), Cameron Sinclair (architect), Penelope Boston (scientist), Nobel Prize winners, etc.

Given just 18 minutes, speakers are invited to present their ideas and engage their audiences on their topic of choice, often including music, economic analysis, science, leadership, architecture, etc. 

It's JJ Abrams (producer/writer), Simon Sinek (leadership expert), Al Gore (politician/environmentalist), Jeff Han (Scientist), etc.

The event is "curated" by Chris Anderson, with a  mission in "leveraging the power of ideas to change the world." 

Truly inspiring. And totally available to view online.

Check it out. 

Our Favorites: 
Simon Sinek - How Great Leaders Inspire Action 

Cameron Sinclair - Open Source Architecture

Joshua Prince-Ramus - Seattle's Library

John Wooden - True Success

Jeff Han - Breakthrough Touchscreen (2006)

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