Monday, January 10, 2011

El Gym. The A-Listers.

Credits: Equinox, Tom Kundig, Sports Club LA, etc.

It's a study in contrast - heavy equipment sitting on soft rubber flooring, stark white walls against natural wood floors, high energy workouts next to zen zones.

That's why we love them.

Standard gyms focus on the basics - commercial grade machines, maximum occupancy, high traffic materials; those that go beyond consider lifestyle and experience more closely, resulting in an energizing and inspiring experience - the "A List" gym. In this post, we focus on the elements that take these gyms to the next level. Next post, we will focus on applying these ideas to your own home gym (yes, even in your studio apartment).

Some of our favorite A-Lister styles fall under the category of industrial chic, inspired by architects and designers such as Tom Kundig and Frank Gehry. Think exposed brick, black rubber, cement, stainless steel, lots of glass windows and natural lighting...

This is where you can add warmth to a space. Below are a few of our favorite color combinations we spotted:





Rubber, wood, brick, cement, mosaic tiles....sterile and clean environments that don't hold odors and can handle the masses.

Ideally, a clean simply furnished area. The front desk is the most essential part of a gym's aesthetic - this area should set the trend and relate to the rest of its facilities.

Beauty bells stacked neatly, cardio machines all in a row, yoga mats rolled in the corner. Attention to these details -  especially tidiness and streamlined organization - sets high-end A-List gyms apart from the ordinary.

Wood floors, low lighting and a space that feels endless in size are the most popular.

We love a gym that smells fresh. A good ventilation system is key, but so are choices in candles and room sprays. Think fluffy clean towels or even just fresh, crisp air on a brisk day....

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