Sunday, January 11, 2009

Klick Studios 2009

Yes! - out of the gate for 2009 with an entirely new web site and logo for Klick Studios. The last several versions of the Klick Studios site had served there purpose and I thank all my clients. 2008 was a year of polishing the web 2.0 theory & technique. The web is exploding with amazing technology and new amazing talents - it's time to move forward. The site has launched but is far from finished - I'm rolling out new content: indentity, video, print, and photography - so stay tuned. Also in the works in an entirely new blog. The blog will feature more indepth synopsis of the projects, how I created some techniques, and will feature free templates. These templates will include PSD files and CSS coded pages. If you have a chance to comment on any of these works or have any suggestions, please drop me line. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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