Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gift Cards for Dinner

Working closely with Stan Timek of Pollywog Communications we dedicated some time for a great cause. Did you know leftover gift cards are valued at $10 Billion annually! That's $10 BILLION each year of unspent giftcards. Just think what could be done with just 1/10% of $10 Billion. What good could we do? How many people could we help? We hope by raising awareness will help others and give this website the opportunity to grow. We have plans for an expanded site with many great features... STAY TUNED.

Affiliate Venture Group

Simple and clean was the request for this website. Without the use of photos there was also the challenge to create a design that would be engaging and make a 'wow' factor. Users of the site requested ease of use so we used a simple but with impact color palette to help define areas of use. Brian Mullins of Digsites.com turned the site coding around quickly.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Education Connexions

Working with MJM Ecommerce - Klick Studios updated this ecommerce website to give it a cleaner more contemporary look.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Full Circle Fitness

Personal trainer, gym designer, and author: Peter "Max" Calder wanted to give his website an updated look to reflect his professional business in 2009. The site was re-designed and highlights more of what Full Circle Fitness can do for individuals who want to achieve the benefits of Max's expertise. This guy will get you back in shape through his enthusiasm for health and fitness. I enjoyed doing the photo treatment by incorporating the 'circle' that is representative of the logo. When building sites I want to add unique design elements that make the site different from other sites out there. My background is in illustration which tends to move into all my work. 


I'm working on a print campaign that possibly might lead to a website, catalog, and some other related design work. The client wanted to take their existing print materials - basically the model photo shots they have and add some treatment to give it a cutting edge flair and appeal to a hipper demographic. Here's the result.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Klick Studios 2009

Yes! - out of the gate for 2009 with an entirely new web site and logo for Klick Studios. The last several versions of the Klick Studios site had served there purpose and I thank all my clients. 2008 was a year of polishing the web 2.0 theory & technique. The web is exploding with amazing technology and new amazing talents - it's time to move forward. The site has launched but is far from finished - I'm rolling out new content: indentity, video, print, and photography - so stay tuned. Also in the works in an entirely new blog. The blog will feature more indepth synopsis of the projects, how I created some techniques, and will feature free templates. These templates will include PSD files and CSS coded pages. If you have a chance to comment on any of these works or have any suggestions, please drop me line. I'd love to hear your thoughts.